Lauri's Proven Method for Successful First Meetings: A Five-Part Series (3/5)

Welcome to our five-part series of blog posts where our CEO, Lauri, shares his proven method for conducting successful first meetings. The inspiration for this series came from Siiri Laaksonen from Talentbee, and over the course of five days, Lauri will break down each stage of his process and provide valuable insights and tips to help you make the most of your first meetings, regardless of whether you're in sales, marketing, or customer service.

If  you're looking to improve your first impression or simply want to learn new techniques for conducting successful first meetings, join us as we take a closer look at Lauri's approach and gain knowledge that will help you excel in your field.

Part 3: The discovery phase

At the third stage of his ideal first meeting process, Lauri delves into the discovery phase of the introduction meetings with customers.

He explains that various companies have different approaches to this phase, but for him, it's about positioning himself as a peer of the customer.

He points out that as he sells to sales leaders, he is able to understand and empathize with their challenges and objectives. Lauri stresses the importance of doing your homework before the discovery phase, so that you don't have to ask basic questions that the customer will expect you already knew.

Instead, he suggests trying to understand the customer's perspective to gather as much information as possible. This phase is critical, as it allows you to qualify the case well and demo the product in a way that aligns with the customer's specific problems and goals.

In the next video, Lauri will be discussing his approach to the demo phase of the introduction meeting. So, stay tuned for more insights on Lauri’s process for conducting successful sales meetings. 😉


Lauri's Proven Method for Successful First Meetings: A Five-Part Series (4/5)


Lauri's Proven Method for Successful First Meetings: A Five-Part Series (2/5)